Adventure Backpacks

Attention all Adventurers! Are you interested in nature, science, exploring and art? We've added to our original animal track backpack and now offer children's nature detective backpacks on birding, botany, navigating by nature, and pond exploration. Backpacks are free to borrow for 10 days, contactless pickup in Saskatoon. If you're outside of Saskatoon and would like to borrow one please let me know. Reserve your backpack today by emailing

All backpacks include both indoor and outdoor activities, several scavenger hunts and the supplies to make a nature clipboard. The materials for the crafts are supplied. I would love to see what you make and will happily share photos! Please use your common sense to look after the books and materials so that other families can enjoy their use. Each backpack includes an indigenous picture book as one small step towards reconciliation.



Do you want to learn about local birds, nesting habits, food sources and find out if you can make a birds nest. Indoor and outdoor activities and scavenger hunts to explore with our feathered friends, oh - and Pokemon too!


Plants are all around us, they feed us, they clean our air and we mostly ignore them unless they flower. Activities include learning leaf symmetry, counting growth rings, making impressions and learning about evergreen trees.



Do you love to explore? Are you the kid checking if moss actually grows on the north side of the tree? Can you tell time without a watch, or would you like to? You can become a more confident explorer by honing your navigating skills.


Pond Exploration

Put on your rubber boots and get ready for pond dipping! You’re going to have to explore some ponds, lakes or rivers, see if you can clean water, make some bug ‘fossils’ and much more.


Animal Tracks

Even in the city we have urban animal neighbours: deer, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, fox, mice, porcupines, raccoons, and more. Finding snow tracks in winter and mudtracks in warmer months is always a thrill. The backpack has everything you need to find and identify animal tracks as well as create a few of your own using stamps and rubbing plates. You’ve got a magnifier for details, a spray bottle to help them stand out, matching cards to help you learn who’s who and a winter wonderland full of tracks to discover.


See what we’ve been creating on Instagram.